Monday, November 22, 2010

Pantun Orang Berkasih...

Mari memetik daun selasih
lalu disusun atas perana
apa guna menyulam kasih
hati tersiksa jiwa merana

Nelayan Singapura pulangnya petang
hasil tangkapan si ikan todak
apa diharap kasihnya orang
entahkan sudi entahkan tidak 

Kapal berlabuh dijatuhkan sauh
naik ke darat guna perahu
apa diharap dirimu yang jauh
diriku merindu kau buat tak tahu

Indah bahasa kerana madah
lembut bersopan mengatur bicara
puteri jelita berhati gundah
menanti khabar putera perkasa

Mari menjamu hasil tuaian
padi sawah dan padi huma
puteri sengsara merindui pangeran
kenapa kini baru menjelma?

Kalau tuan mudik ke hulu
singgah sebentar di Tanjung Rhu
bibir ini mahu menyeru
tapi dirimu buat tak tahu

Kucing Parsi lebat berbulu
lembut disentuh bagaikan baldu
hati menangis tidak berlagu
menahan jiwa menanggung rindu

Budak-budak memakai sepatu
sepatu baru baju pun baru
kumohon waktumu untuk diriku
menemani jagaku juga dalam mimpiku

Hujung minggu pergi bercuti
bermandi manda di tengah laut
walau cintamu kubawa mati
rinduku dan rindumu tak pernah bertaut

Cantik jelita Puteri Anggreni
dibawa lari ke dalam hutan
sampai bilakah hidup begini
bagai pungguk rindukan bulan

Bawa senapang pergi berburu
hasil buruan tiada ketemu
datanglah sayang datang padaku
belailah aku dalam dakapanmu

Pergi ke pekan berkereta kuda
bawa pulang itik senggora
janji seia dan juga sekata
di dalam syurga kita berjumpa ...


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bicaraku Kepada Si Pungguk Dan Sang Cakerawala...

Oh Pungguk.....
kisahmu dan kisahku senada
merindukan yang jauh entah di mana
menanti sesuatu yang tidak pasti 
bagai menunggu bulan jatuh ke riba

Oh bayu, bisikkan rinduku kepadanya lewat hembusanmu
oh rembulan, 

khabarkan kepadanya,
kasihku bukan mainan

Oh bintang, berbicaralah kepadanya 

cintaku seharum mawar biru di taman larangan, 
seindah kerdipanmu di langit ketujuh 
dan seteguh karang di dasar lautan yang terdalam

Oh Pungguk
setiamu pada rembulan sampai bila
rindumu pada rembulan tak akan bertaut
pasrahlah pungguk pada hakikat
dirimu dan rembulan nyata berbeza.

Oh bayu, rinduku kepadanya
penawar dukaku
oh rembulan, kasihku kepadanya
jiwa dan raga galang gantinya
oh bintang, cintaku kepadanya
akan kubawa mati

Duhai pungguk, bayu, rembulan dan juga bintang
hanya kepadamu aku berbicara
kerana hanya kamu yang bisa mengerti
bicara hati seorang perindu
tiada yang lain tempat mengadu



Wadah Seorang Guru...


      Wadah ini ialah cetusan hati seorang insan yang bernama guru, sekali gus mewakili naluri golongan guru yang menabur bakti di sekolah indah nan tercinta ini.  Wadah ini bukan madah pujangga yang tersohor, bukan juga bahasa puitis seorang pengkarya hebat tetapi sekadar catatan yang penuh tulus yang berpijak pada realiti, bertujuan berkongsi fikiran dan mentafsir yang tersirat melangkaui pengalaman yang telah ditempuhi sepanjang tahun 2010.   

                                                                            Catatan (i)

             Ingin saya tekankan di sini bahawa tanggungjawab setiap pelajar ialah belajar, dengan sepenuh jiwa dan raga. Walau bagaimanapun, pelajar digalakkan untuk bergiat aktif dalam aktiviti kokurikulum yang disertai. Institusi sekolah merupakan tempat untuk mendidik dan melatih pelajar  menjadi insan yang berguna kepada keluarga, masyarakat, agama, bangsa dan negara kelak. Di peringkat sekolah, pelajar boleh memberikan sumbangan  dalam bentuk perkhidmatan seperti menjadi Pengawas Sekolah,  Pengawas Pusat Sumber, Pengawas Koperasi, Pengawas Sukan, berkhidmat dalam Skuad Jebat, Sidang Redaksi dan sebagainya.  Setiap pelajar harus mempunyai ‘rasa kepunyaan'  atau "the sense of belonging" terhadap sekolah. Berkhidmat kepada sekolah dengan penuh keihklasan tanpa memikirkan upah atau ganjaran.  Setiap pelajar seharusnya menanyakan soalan ‘apakah sumbangan aku  kepada sekolah?’  dan bukannya ‘apakah sumbangan sekolah kepada aku?’

            Pelajar bermasalah di sekolah terdiri daripada dua golongan.  Golongan pertama yang datang dari kelas-kelas lemah dan melawan guru  secara terang-terangan, manakala golongan kedua ialah golongan pelajar  cemerlang yang   berasa diri mereka betul, hebat dan penegak keadilan, tetapi dalam masa yang sama,  bertindak dengan cara yang paling tidak bermaruah,  keji serta sanggup menyusahkan semua orang, bak kata pepatah, dihujani kering, dijemur basah. Lebih mengecewakan, mereka ini langsung tidak pernah mempunyai perasaan bersalah kerana telah menyusahkan banyak pihak.   Prinsip 'matlamat menghalalkan cara' menjadi pegangan.  Mereka inilah yang akan menjadi pemimpin penjenayah kolar putih pada masa akan datang. Gerangan siapakah yang bersalah?  Adakah salah ibu mengandung?  Atau salah asuhan? Atau  telah gagal sistem pendidikan kita pada hari ini?   Renung-renungkanlah…

             Izharnya, apa-apa yang berlaku telah pun berlalu, menjadi  iktibar kepada saya supaya lebih berhati-hati pada masa hadapan, agar pisang tidak  berbuah dua kali… dan  yang pastinya…gar-gar kata gelegar, rasuk juga yang menahannya.

                                                                           Catatan (ii)

             Guru ibarat lilin, membakar diri menerangi kegelapan. Itulah kias ibarat yang sering kedengaran dan disinonimkan dengan  tugas dan tanggungjawab seorang insan yang bergelar guru. Tugas guru amat mulia,  seiring  dan senada dengan niat yang paling suci dan ikhlas yang tersemat di kalbu mereka. Segala ilmu dicurahkan tanpa syarat. Memberikan  yang terbaik kepada anak-anak didik  demi kecemerlangan mereka, jauh sekali untuk menyusahkan mereka.  Sewajarnya jugalah pelajar menerima ilmu daripada guru dengan hati yang terbuka dan ikhlas tanpa sebarang rungutan demi kecemerlangan diri.

           Apa-apa jua tindakan atau perbuatan yang dilakukan tanpa keikhlasan hanya  mengundang lelah, dan pastinya tidak akan membuahkan hasil kerana tidak diredhai oleh-Nya, begitu juga dengan 'aktiviti belajar'. Jika seseorang pelajar menerima tanggungjawab dan amanah guru tanpa berbelah bahagi, nescaya, kejayaan bakal menjadi miliknya, sebaliknya sekiranya pelajar belajar tanpa keikhlasan dan mulut sentiasa merungut, nescaya sia-sia sajalah segala usaha  yang telah dibuat, bak kata pepatah,  arang habis, besi binasa, apatah lagi berbicara sesedap kata, menunding jari kepada guru sebagai musabab diri terkepung dengan "stress", walhal diri sendiri tidak bijak merancang dan menguruskan masa dengan baik.....Wahai anak didikku, janganlah bersikap seperti 'bangau oh bangau.'..... menyalahkan orang lain  dan persekitaran kerana tiada keupayaan diri sendiri.....Percayalah....hanya azam, tekad, usaha gigih dan keikhlasan diri serta tawakal yang mampu menjana kecemerlangan dirimu.....bukan  yang lain....!!!

             Akhir kalam, catatan yang tersurat ini bukan bertujuan untuk mencela atau menempelak, jauh sekali bernada sinis, tetapi sekadar menyampaikan pesan kepada yang berhak, agar dirimu tidak tersasar dari landasan, dalam usaha  menebas belukar cabaran dan meniti batas kecekalan demi menawan puncak kecemerlangan.....wallahhualam....

Salam keikhlasan,
Pemilik Kalam....’10

Monday, November 1, 2010

A Love Letter.....

My Beloved Cinderella...

         To a woman  I thought I'd never know. The one who stole my heart so innocently, but with care and grace and perfect caring. The perfect thought is us together forever. The sweetest word is your name. And the greatest thing is your love. Every silent prayer that has left my mind, all the empty words that have left my mouth and chased my lips, and all the lonely tears that have escaped my eyes have made me who I am, one to love you more.

All the times I felt I've found the one, and all the times I've mourned over a bleeding heart,
All the times I've given it all I've got is are as many as I have found my face in the mood, 
All the pieces of myself  I've given away,
All the things I've wished I've done, and
All the things I wished I hadn't helps me love you with purity and certainty.

          I hope we never lose, those five words I tell you so much can't have more meaning than anything else ever possibly could. I love you with all my faults and all my achievements. I love you with all that I am. I love you for who you are. I hope in the quietest of the night when I whisper out to you you know just what to do. You listen to hear my voice echoing how much I love you.

         I know you will be suprised all the time with all these words, there is no other way for me to express my feeling for you just here with those words, is like a dream comes true.

       I met you on a bright and blessing day and at that point I didn't know exactly what you meant to me... now I do. You are the light in my eyes, the happiness in my heart, and just the thought of you leaving me, breaks  me into small and countless pieces, so, on a day like today, do we promise to love each other through good and bad, for better or worse, until death do us part.

       Love is a friendship that has caught fire, it is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses. Love is content with the present, it hopes for the future, and it doesn't brood over the past. It's the day in and day out chronicle of irritations, problems, compromises, small disappointments, big victories, and working toward common goals.

        If you have love in your life, it can make up for a great many things you lack. If you don't have it, no matter what else there is, it's not enough. Of all the people in this world, you're the one I run to. Your name has been inscribed in my heart before I knew your name. The moment we met, I knew you were the one. I whisper your name each morning when I wake, and each night to the stars.

       You have this power over me, this indescribable, undeniable, unmistakable power. You consume my mind. You invade my thoughts. You are the ruler of my dream world. You bring a smile to my face, a sparkle to my eyes, and a tear to my cheek. You take my breath away, with the simplest things your lips utter. You make me feel weightless, as though I could float up, and touch the heavens above.

        You make me look at life through new eyes, eyes that have never seen the light of day until now. I feel as though I am using all my senses, for the first time, and suddenly everything I once knew, is now unfamiliar to me. You fill every cell in my being, with joy, love and happiness. You make me want to stand up, and scream at the top of my lungs, "I love you, more than words could say." You make my heart soar, like a bird in flight. But most of all... you are you, and I love that.

        You are my sun, my moon, my evening star, my light, my life, my love. You are my destiny. You are "The One", the only one, the woman  I love. As I write this words for you, I find the words come naturally to me. It's as if this pen is an extension of my heart, and my heart is guiding it across the paper. Every letter, every word, every stroke, is meant to be ... as you are.

       When I am talking with you, I feel alive. You bring to me a happiness no one else has before. You bring to me a love I have never known before. I could not imagine what my life would be like without you. I know that I don't want to even imagine. You have touched my heart in ways no one could ever comprehend. There is nothing on this earth that I could ever give you that would ever come close to how I feel about you.

       I do not know what love is, but if it means caring for you, respecting you, believing in you and putting your happiness above my own, then I am in love.

        I love you because you bring the best out of me. I love whom, I have become since I have known you. I love your terrific sense of humor. Every time I look into your eyes, my heart misses a beat. I enjoy doing things with you and spending time with you. You are simply irresistible.

       Sometimes I feel lost and out of touch, but when ever I think of you, I feel like am in the swimming pool, I feel safe. You make me feel loved, you make me feel needed, but more importantly, you make me feel wanted. From this moment on, we have each other and all the time to be in each others arms. When I say I love you it is truly meant. I Love U so Much. So once again I say, "All You." My life is perfect with you in it. So, I thank you.

       Before I sleep your sweet words echoes through my mind. As I rest my head on my pillow a smile seeps through my soul, knowing that you, and you alone have made me whole. Without you I would simply be surviving, but with you I am living life to the fullest, because of your love my spirit has been rejuvenated.

       The simplest pleasures in life bring me so much joy that it is hard to find the words to describe them. A walk in the park becomes a reality based metaphor... it is our journey together hand in hand forever more. Even in our moods, regardless of the irritations of daily life we manage to make each other laugh. The sound of your kindness rings through my ears and touches my heart. Our banter that may seem odd to others makes us giggle to no end. The difference between you and I are very few, yet they are there, but we accept those differences, embracing them because they are part of something we love about one another.

        It isn't about looks, nor money but the simplicity in life that we find so attractive. Knowing we could survive anywhere as long as we were together.  Love is not a job, love simply is, unconditional love is what I offer you, and with you I receive the same. You are my heart of hearts, my soul mate, friend, lover and partner for life. I will love you forever and a day. Thank you for being there, loving me and knowing what my true heart wants.

        In life, we receive a wonderful opportunity, and that is to love. Love comes in many forms. You love people in different ways and for different reasons, depending upon how they have touched your life. Love is a very powerful word and can describe a multitude of feelings, but its main context carries the same meaning.

        I want to tell you that the love I have for you is undying. It is a love that is strong and enduring and will stand the test of time. I truly feel blessed that you have become a part of my life. I want to lie next to you at night and fall asleep in your arms, only to wake to your beautiful smile. I want to share in your joys and sorrows. I want to be your everything. You are everything to me.
You are everything I do. You see and bring out the best in me. You are the one I want to share everything with - my thoughts, hopes and dreams. Thinking of you makes my heart feel full. You are such a source of inspiration for me. I will forever be indebted to you for all you have brought to my life. So, to repay you, I promise you my heart and all the love in it for the rest of my life....

        Sitting here and thinking back as to think how you have made my life so much better, I could never begin to tell you what your love means to me. You have shown me countless times how you care and how you believe in me, how you have given me the strength to give up something that has had a hold of my life for a very long time, without you I don't think I could be following my dreams, much less having someone like you standing beside me.

        You have brought out a part in me that I put away a long time ago and thought I'd never be able to find again. You make everything so simple and easy for me to let go and with you in my life I don't need to hide that part of me anymore. What you make me feel for you is nothing short of the ultimate happiness. You are in my thoughts, my dreams, my desires, but most of all my heart!

          You are my heart, my soul, my world, and finally, I found my other half, I always walked around feeling so empty with a hole in my heart that I thought never would get filled, but guess what? You filled that hole. You were the other half my heart was looking for all those years.

         Lastly, If I were granted but one wish, it would be to spend an eternity with you.

Lots of love,
Your Prince...

In The Name Of Friendship.......

       Thank you for all the things that mean so much to me for concern and understanding you give abundantly. Thanks for listening with your heart, for cheering me when I'm blue, for bringing out the best in me, and just for being you. Because you are my friend, my life is enriched in a myriad of ways, like a cool breeze on a sweltering day.

        I wonder if you are aware of the bright seeds you are sowing in me. I'm a better person for knowing you, so that everyone I interact with is touched by your good effect on me. May your life be filled with dazzling blessings, just as I am blessed by being your friend. When troubles come a calling’ as those gremlins often do, and my spirit keeps on falling’ till I feel low down and blue.

         When I look around for comfort, someone quickly jumps to mind. One who always will support me, and whose words are always kind, who will make my mood feel lighter, who’ll help beat my troubles back, He/She makes the sun shine brighter and gets my spirit back on track, who helps the road seem straighter, and helps me get around each bend, who makes each day seem greater, and that someone is you.

A friend is like a forest, or a lovely, calm blue sea, a refuge from life’s problems, as only a friend can be.

A friend is like a song, soothing to the brain, distracting us from trouble, neutralizing pain. 

A friend is like some ice cream on a sweltering summer day, making life delicious, in a friend’s own special way.

A friend is like a blanket, bringing peace and rest, a cocoon of warmth and pleasure. 

        When we are tired or stressed, a friend is a bit of everything that makes life good and sweet, and you, my friend, are all that; You make my life complete, thanks for accepting me as your friend.

        You are a shelter from life’s frequent storm; like a comfortable blanket. You keep me snug, safe and warm. You’re a light in the window when everything’s dark. You’re a trip to the circus, a romp in the park, like a bright, sunny summer. You are joy without end; and I’m so very privileged to call you my friend.

        Whenever my life feels empty, those times when I feel a lack, I thank God for your special friendship, because I know you've got my back. I guess what I'm trying to say, friend, is with all your support and your giving, you brighten each minute I'm with you, and make every day well worth living.

My Dear Friend ....

You made me laugh when I cried so hard, 

You gave me bracelets to cover my scars, 

You held me close when I were so cold

You offered a comforting hand to hold

You picked me up whenever I fell,

You showed me heaven when I were blinded by hell, 

You answered my calls in the darkened night

You gave me the reasons to hold on and fight

You rescued me when I were drowning in pain, 

You placed me back on the right path again.

You loved me forever and stayed by my side

You entered my heart as an angel to guide

I miss you so much but I'll fight till the end,

We will be  good friends, 

And I promise to be your good friend forever.