Mata Ahmad Irfan rakus meneliti berita di dada
akhbar di hadapannya.
"EgyptAir MS804 hilang dari radar. Walaupun kebanyakan media
melaporkan bahawa pesawat itu meletup di udara dan terhempas, tapi tiada
tanda-tanda jelas sebab sebenar pesawat terbabit meletup. Antara mangsa
yang hilang ialah satu pasangan suami isteri yang berasal dari Egypt.
Mereka ke Perancis untuk membuat pembedahan buat isterinya yang mengalami
penyakit kanser. Mereka berada di Perancis selama sebulan dan
meninggalkan tiga orang anak mereka di Egypt. Si suami terpaksa menjual
semua harta yang ada demi menyelamatkan isterinya".
Ahmad Irfan
termenung seketika. Tragedi MH370 dan MH17 kembali menerjah ke benak
fikirannya. Tidak mampu untuk dia menterjemahkan perasaannya ketika itu,
apatah lagi perasaan seluruh ahli keluarga mangsa yang terkorban dalam nahas
tersebut. Hatinya benar-benar tersayat. Ya Allah, engkau
tempatkanlah roh mangsa-mangsa yang terkorban dalam kalangan orang-orang yang
mulia di sisi-Mu. Takziah untuk seluruh keluarga mangsa, bisiknya di
dalam hati. Tidak semena-mena, Ahmad Irfan teringat akan Moda, lalu dia segera
mengirim sebaris ayat takziah kepada Moda atas tragedi yang telah mengorbankan
68 jiwa rakyat Egypt, sebagai tanda dia turut berdukacita dan bersimpati atas
nahas yang telah berlaku. Setengah jam kemudian Moda membalas pesanannya
dan mengucapkan terima kasih kepadanya atas keprihatinannya.
mengenali Moda enam tahun lepas. Pertemuan dan perkenalan mereka berlaku
secara kebetulan. Perkenalannya dengan lelaki Egypt itu berlaku di Lapangan
Terbang Sukaerno, Jakarta. Dia ke Jakarta kerana urusan kerjanya manakala
Moda pula menziarahi seorang rakannya, seorang pelukis, dan sejak itu mereka
menjadi rakan hingga kini. Moda, 60 tahun atau nama sebenarnya Hamdy Mohammed
Abdel Baseer el Waey ialah seorang komposer muzik yang berasal dari Mansourah,
Mesir. Moda ialah nama dalam kalangan keluarga dan rakan-rakannya.
Moda merupakan seorang pemuzik yang terkenal dan tersohor pada
zaman kegemilangannya, namun dia kini tidak lagi seaktif dahulu. Komposer
ini agak unik kerana dia menggubah lagu hanya menggunakan alat muzik 'Oud Lote'
iaitu sejenis alat muzik tradisonal Mesir.
Sejak pulang
dari Jakarta, dia dan Moda selalu juga berhubung melalui aplikasi mesengger,
sekadar bercerita dan berbincang tentang isu-isu semasa dunia dan politik.
Selalu juga mereka berdebat menerusi aplikasi mesengger kerana tidak sependapat
dalam sesuatu isu. Pada Ahmad Irfan, karektor lelaki Arab itu sukar
ditafsir. Melalui penceritaan Moda, Ahmad Irfan mengenali seluruh ahli
keluarga Moda. Isterinya, Soaad, 57, mengusahakan sebuah kedai runcit,
dan anak lelakinya, Kareem, 30 serta anak gadisnya Nawwarah, 25,
kedua-duanya bekerja di syarikat komputer di Mansourah.
Dia dan
Moda pernah terputus hubungan selama beberapa tahun apabila Mesir mengalami
pergolakan politik. Tiba-tiba sahaja Moda 'hilang dari radar', tidak dapat
dikesan. Akhirnya Ahmad Irfan membuat andaian bahawa Moda mungkin terkorban
dalam rusuhan yang berlaku di negaranya kerana dahulu dia pernah memberitahu
Ahmad Irfan bahawa dia juga terlibat secara langsung dalam demostrasi
politik di negaranya, dan dia merupakan ahli pembangkang yang agak aktif. Namun
begitu, segala andaian Ahmad Irfan meleset apabila pada suatu hari Moda
menegurnya melalui aplikasi messenger. Ahmad Irfan tidak pernah menyangka
bahawa Moda akan menghubunginya semula setelah sekian lama terputus hubungan,
namun dia amat gembira kerana rakannya itu masih wujud.
Pada minggu lepas, Moda datang ke Kuala
Lumpur untuk bercuti dan berusaha mencarinya. Pada kesempatan itu, Ahmad Irfan
membawa Moda bersiar-siar di bandar raya Kuala Lumpur. Moda merupakan tetamunya
pada kali ini. Selama dia menemani Moda bersiar-siar di bandar raya
Kuala Lumpur, banyak yang dibualkan oleh mereka. Rupa-rupanya selama ini Moda
dan seluruh ahli keluarganya berada dalam kesedihan kerana anak saudara
lelakinya yang berumur 21 tahun terbunuh dalam sebuah demostrasi politik di
tempatnya. Menurut Moda, puak Ikhwanul Muslimin yang menembak anak saudaranya
itu bersama empat pemuda yang lain. Keadaan di Mesir juga kucar-kacir
selama beberapa tahun. Semua itu menyebabkan dia tertekan dan akaun facebooknya
juga ‘dihacked’ menyebabkan dia kehilangan semua jejak rakan ‘facebook’nya.
Ahmad Irfan tersentak mendengar pengakuan Moda. Lelaki Arab tinggi lampai itu
direnungnya tepat. Walaupun sudah agak berumur, namun Moda masih kelihatan
kacak dalam kemeja dan jeansnya. Selama ini dia tidak pernah tahu bahawa
Moda menentang kerajaan Ikwanul Muslimin yang diketuai oleh Dr. Morsi.
"Ikwanul Muslimin is
terrorist!" Bergetar suara Moda ketika bersuara. Riak-riak kebencian
terserlah pada wajah berumur itu. Ahmad Irfan berusaha untuk tersenyum.
Dia ingin mengenali lelaki itu dengan lebih dekat, jadi dia tidak akan memperlihatkan pendapatnya
yang bertentangan. Dia akan mengikut sahaja rentak Moda agar lelaki
itu selesa bercerita kepadanya.
"Would you
like to tell me about the demonstration in your country that you took part?
What was your role? What was going on exactly? I need an idea about
it, to understand the real situation." Ahmad Irfan cuba memancing jawapan
Moda. Dia ingin mengetahui pendapat warga Egypt itu tentang
Ikhwanul Muslimin. Moda menolak cawan kopinya ke tepi, lalu mengeluarkan
sebatang rokok Dunhill. Dia menyalakan rokok itu, dan menghisapnya dengan
santai. Setelah dia menghembus asap rokoknya itu beberapa kali, Moda memandang
Ahmad Irfan. Pemuda Melayu itu kelihatan naif dengan pertanyaannya. Ahmad
Irfan tetap bersabar menunggu patah-patah perkataan yang akan keluar dari mulut
Moda. Dia harus bersikap 'gentleman' iaitu tidak terlalu mendesak.
Ahmad Irfan memandang di sekeliling 'coffee house' itu.
Semakin ramai pengunjung yang tiba untuk menikmati makan malam di situ.
Dia mengerling pula jam di tangannya. Pukul 9.05 malam.
"In 2011, I
joined in at the begining. I was against Mubarak, the President, but
after a while, I figured out that the demonstrations were actually leads by US,
then I was against it, especially after the army started to control the
"Do you mean Mubarak was not guilty, and it was just
a conspiracy?"
"Mubarak is a murderer and guilty. He was a spy for the US,
but it was a conspiracy, eventhough he was a spy for them. Their plan is to
destroy the state and all the Arab countries must be divided into small parts
such as Sunnah, Sheaa, Akrad, Druz etc. All that just for the sake of Israel.
Israel will eat the whole Palestinians land, and it will control all the Arab
countries after the division."
"And how was your nephew killed?"
"Ikhwanul Muslimin was killing the people on the streets.
He was in a demonstration against Ikhwan. They shot him and four
other people that day." Kelihatan mata Moda berkolam. Mungkin
dia sedang mengingati peristiwa yang menimpa anak saudaranya itu, fikir Ahmad
“Why did you say that Ikhwanul Muslimin is terrorist? What have they
done to Egypt people? Why the army took over the Ikwanul Muslimin government?” Soal Ahmad Irfan bertalu-talu. Dia ingin mendengar jawapan Moda dari
perspektif seorang rakyat Mesir.
“Do you
really want to know, Ahmad?” Modal
menyoal kembali meminta kepastian. Dia
berfikir sejenak kemudian memandang Ahmad Irfan dalam-dalam.
“Who are
the Ikhwan? It is an organization. The English Intellingence helped to create it in
Egypt in 1928. The English Intellingence
funded them. The England occupies Egypt
at that time. The invitation of Ikhwan
is by asking people here to worship god.
Be careful Ahmad. They wanted the
people here to worship god while the Egyptians who invented the cut of
unification by King Pharaoh Akhenaten.
Egyptian King Akhenaten, who is called to worship the Lord (only one god). Akhenaten denied the multiplicity of
gods. He said, glory in heaven is one god,
but they claim to religion and to worship god in the land of god. Egyption people worship one god, thousands of
years before apostle birth. This is
publicly, but in secret. They want
they allied themselves with British who occupy Egypt and allied themselves with
the king and his family corrupt who plundered the country’s wealth and spread of
poverty, ignorance and disease in the country.
Why Ikhwan allied with England and they allied themselves with the
corrupt king? Because they want the power, so they set up a militia in secret
and when Ikhwan disagreed with the king’s authority, judje assassinated and
they assassinated the Prime Minister of Egypt in 1948. So, the king decided to remove this organization
because they are terrorists. And what happened then? They burnt Cairo in 1951, fires everywhere in
the shops, the role of movies, buses, and private cars…everything. We study this Ikhwan history in schools. It is tittled “Cairo Fire.” When the revolution of 1952 by Gamal Abdel
Nasser, Gamal don’t hate them. He wanted to give them another chance to
start again. He said, “we can cooperate
But in 1954, two years after Nasser’s
revolution to expel England and achieved social justice and the fight against
poverty, Ikhwan tried to assassinate the leader Gamal Abdel Nasser, who delivers a speech amid the masses.
And he commanded to arrest them and sent them to prisons. Until he died
commander Jamal came after him traitor Anwar Sadat ruler of Egypt. Sadat ordered
the departure of all terrorists from prison. Ikhwan and Salafists got their
freedom. Sadat sent them in conjunction
with the United States and Saudi Arabia to Afghanistan to set up al-Qaeda
terrorist to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. After the collapsed of the
Soviet Union, Ikhwan and the Salafis terrorists returned from Afghanistan. They
are well trained for fighting then they assassinated Sadat to fight for the
power with Mubarak.
Egyptians came between the jaws of molar (the spy Mubarak and the terrorists
Ikhwan). America and the NATO provoked colonial political activities in the
Arab region. After they occupied Iraq and killed Saddam Husen the president,
America led a popular movement against the state in January 25, 2011, in Egypt,
Tunisia, Syria, Libya and Yemen. Ikhwan as usual alliance with America, the
NATO and Israel. After America and
Israel promised Ikhwan “we will help you to controlled Egypt.” Egyptians have
been killed in the streets and burned 257 Egyptian church, killed and dragged
through and cut the bodies of the Egyptians on the television screens. Finally,
Ikhwan and the Salafis control Egypt in 2012, Tunisia, Libya and Yemen also. Egyptians
got more hungry. Ikhwan said to the people here. “we came to rule Egypt and we
will not give up. We will stay for 500 years more. Ikhwan is an international
gang, not a national organization, and they are families, same like mafia. It
means, when Ikhwan control Egypt, all security secrets will spread all over the
world. Egyptians revolted the police and the judiciary and the media, lawyers,
workers and peasants. Artists, all people took to the streets of Egypt and they
called the army to stand by the people. In June 30, 2013, satellites and Google
Earth count the number of Egyptians in the streets (33 million).”
Al-Sisi ?”
“President Al-Sisi is a folk hero. Egyptian
people created the hero Sisi to save Egypt and Egyptian. The army is positioned
along with the Egyptian people and the army arrested the terrorists Ikhwan and
they have been presented to the fair judge.”
Irfan melepaskan nafas panjang. Dia termenung seketika.
wrong, Ahmad?”
I read about Ikhwanul Muslimin and what you told me just now is so contradict.”
soal Moda lagi.
it makes me confuse, who is right and who is wrong actually.”
tertawa kecil sambil menghembuskan asap rokoknya.
"You are not Egyptian, so you
know nothing about us. We know our people and country better. You only
listen to the media that created the propaganda. They are all bulshit."
lagi Ahmad Irfan rasa terpukul dengan ucapan Moda. Mungkinkah Moda dapat
membaca hatinya? Ahmad Irfan terseyum pahit.
“Don’t get me wrong, Ahmad. I am not talking about you, but the people
in general.”
“No worries, I know.”
"Tell me about
Syria.” Ahmad Irfan mahu membandingkan berita yang dibacanya dengan penjelasan
Moda tentang Syria.
"It is the same conspiracy. Bashar and Hezbullah
fight against the US, Nato and Israel. Egypt, during the days of the spy
Sadat made capitulation with Israel. Jordan also made the same
capitulation with Israel. USA and Israel wanted Syria to make the same
capitulation but Syria refused, and kept helping the resistance. Lebanon
resistance and Palestinian resistance against Israel. So USA, Nato and
Israel want to destroy Syria, as they had destroyed Iraq and Libya."
"The Arabs
countries themselves were never united. Saudi Arabia is with the US,
right?" Ahmad Irfan mencelah. Moda tersenyum kepada Ahmad
"Yes." jawab Moda pendek.
"All the
gulf countries. Actually the US used Saudi Arabia for their profit."
me, if all the Arab countries are united under Islam, USA and Israel will lose.
If all the muslims people boycott their products, they will go bangkrupt."
"Not under Islam. Why Islam? There was Islamic state for more
than 1300 years, under controled by Othmani Turkey. It was a state for
killing, burning, was out of date. Why Islam or Christian?
The religion is just for you to believe, not to control other people."
Ahmad Irfan pasti Moda salam faham akan maksudnya. Tak mengapa,
getusnya di dalam hati.
"Ok, back to your country. The demostration that you had joined, what type of demonstration was that?”
"Of course peaceful. I am not a terrorist,
Ahmad." Ahmad Irfan berasa sedikit terpukul dengan jawapan Moda.
Dia membalas senyuman Moda.
"I know. You never get hurt? I knew about your country
from the media and you told me that you were against the government
before you dissappeared, and when you didn’t appear, I thought you were dead in
the demonstration."
Moda tertawa kecil. "Oh
Moda membuka ipadnya, lalu
menaip sesuatu pada messenger, lalu mengirimkannya kepada Ahmad Irfan.
"Ahmad, open your messenger. I sent you a link.
Please be free to read itu." ujar Moda sambil menatap ipadnya.
Ahmad Irfan terus membuka messengernya pada telefon bimbitnya, lalu
membaca link yang dihantar oleh Moda kepadanya.
"What is it all about?" Tanya
Ahmad Irfan.
"There is a conspiracy going on Arab the region.
Please be free to read it."
"I will, later. Moda, tell me about
Aleppo." Tiba-tiba sahaja Ahmad Irfan teringat tentang Aleppo.
Dia teringat bahawa dua hari lepas rakan facebooknya berkongsi status
tentang Aleppo dan memohon umat Islam mendoakan agar Allah melindungi Aleppo
dalam statusnya "Pray For Aleppo". Sewaktu membaca status
rakannya itu, Ahmad Irfan benar-benar tidak mengetahui tentang Aleppo, namun
setelah dia bertanya kepada rakannya melalui mesengger, dia mula faham tetapi
tidak sepenuhnya.
"Syria, quoted by USA and
NATO, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Hundreds of terrorists from more than 80
countries went to Syria, helped them to take control of most of the Syrian
territory. They killed more than 250 thousands of Syrians and migrated
more than 6 million Syrians in refugee tents. The USA media
controlling the world broadcast, lies day and night that Bashar kills people.
There are two forces in Syria. First, evil alliance that is the USA,
the Zionist entity and NATO and their followers that is Turkey, Saudi Arabia
and Qatar. Second, resistance alliance that is Syrian Arab Army and the
Palestinian resistance and the Lebanese resistance, Hezbollah and Iran. Russia and China are on the other side. A third world war. America
and its allies are losers. Aleppo is the last battle. Syria will be
divided into small states, but god willing, resistance alliance will win."
"Then, who killed Syria's people? Some
friends of my friend that went to Syria for the mercy said it was Bashar.” Ahmad Irfan sekali lagi memancing Moda.
Baginya Basharlah dalang yang sebenarnya.
could you say Bashar?"
"I don’t know, that’s why I asked you." Ahmad
Irfan mengangkat bahu.
"The Syrian army is from the Syrian people.
If the army kills the people, it means the army kills his brothers
and sisters. If the army killed it's people it means they were
"I don’t understand." ujar Ahmad
Irfan. Dia kelihatan keliru.
"The nation army
can’t kill its people. It was just a lack of propaganda. Evil's alliance
who control the televisions all over the world. They also say that
our president Al-Sisi kills his people. Our army kills the terrorist, not
our people. They collect terrorists from more than 80 countries and sent
them to kill the Syrian. If you bear to watch, I can send you videos to
see who killed the Syrian. Who killed the people in Iraq, Libya, Yemen
and Egypt were terrorists which made by USA, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and
Qatar. Inshaallah Aleppo must win. Pray for Aleppo. The people in
Aleppo were killed since 6 years ago. The USA are making a black
propanganda now."
"Amin." Ahmad Irfan turut
mengaminkan doa Moda sambil khusyuk mendengar penerangan Moda. Dia tidak pasti
adakah Moda di pihak yang benar atau sebaliknya. Agak lambat dia
menghadam keterangan Moda. Lelaki Arab itu begitu yakin ketika bercerita dan
sangat celik sejarah. Ahmad Irfan sedikit kagum akan Moda. Ahmad
Irfan mengakui bahawa dia sendiri tidak begitu faham akan pergolakan yang
berlaku di negara Arab. Jadi, penerangan Moda mungkin dapat membantunya
memahami situasi sebenar di Mesir walaupun tidak seratus peratus.
lagi Moda mengirim satu link kepada Ahmad Irfan melalui aplikasi
mesengger pada ipadnya.
"Please be free to read it, Ahmad."
Irfan membuka mesengger melalui telefon bimbitnya. Dia meneliti link
"OK, I will. Tq Moda."
Setelah agak lama bersantai di ‘cofee house’,
Ahmad Irfan meminta diri untuk pulang ke apartmentnya. Dia berasa agak
letih kerana seharian menemani Moda berjalan-jalan di sekitar Kuala Lumpur.
Esok dia berjanji akan membawa Moda melawat Muzium Negara, Tugu Negara,
Parlimen dan Dataran Merdeka. Mereka berpisah di situ. Moda
menginap di Hotel Concorde Kuala Lumpur, jadi tidak ada masalah bagi Ahmad
Irfan untuk ke situ kerana apartmentnya juga tidak jauh dari situ. Dia
segan untuk mempelawa Moda menumpang di apartmentnya kerana apartmentnya
bersepah. Maklumlah, orang bujang, tambahan pula kerjanya sebagai 'IT
designer' dan jurufoto bebas menyebabkan dia tiada masa untuk berkemas.
Keesokan paginya, seperti yang
dijanjikan, tepat jam 9.00 pagi, Ahmad Irfan tiba di lobby hotel dan 5 minit
kemudian, Moda muncul. Setelah berbual-bual sekejap, mereka beredar
ke kereta Ahmad Irfan. Dalam perjalanan ke Muzium Negara, Ahmad Irfan
memasang cd ayat al Quran di dalam keretanya. Alunan ayat al-Quran bacaan Qari
Kuwait itu sungguh mengasyikkan.
"Moda, do you speak Arabic or
" Mix."
"Are they different?"
"Yes, they are different, but it is easy
for Arab countries to speak and understand Egyptian because Egypt is the only
country who have the great cinema. It spreads our langguage and accent
all over the Arab countries. Arab like to speak as Egyptian
"Oh, I see. I wish I can speak
Arabic well to understand Quran well."
"You will never
understand the Quran well."
"Why did you say that?"
"Because the miracle in Quran is about language, and your
culture is not Arabic, and because the language in some words express about
culture, so you will never understand it. It is something like when you
read Quran with Spanish. Although you learn Spanish, but you can't be a
good translator from your language to Spanish for example."
"But the Quran is for all muslims all over the world, since
our prophet Muhammad s.a.w till the last day."
"You must live there for all your life, and maybe your
kids when growing there can understand a bit."
"We will understand if we try hard."
“Not try hard. The language carries the culture inside it.
Although our culture in Egypt is Islamic, but people can’t understand the
Quran. It is a very old language, even Saudi people can’t
understand it. Just famous ayat, common ayat, the people can understand it."
"Hey, you say a word in Malay..."ayat."
"It is Arab, not Malay"
Moda tertawa kecil. Ahmad Irfan sekadar tersengih.
"Oh really?" Tanya Ahmad
Irfan meminta kepastian.
"Yes". Balas Moda
"You have many
Arabic words mixed with your langguage."
Tiba-tiba Ahmad Irfan teringat bahawa dahulu semasa dia belajar di
tingkatan enam rendah sekejap, sebelum menerima tawaran ke matrikulasi, dia
mengambil subjek Bahasa Melayu. Dia
sempat belajar tajuk Bahasa-bahasa Pinjaman dalam sejarah perkembangan
bahasa Melayu. Kosa kata bahasa Arab dipinjam oleh bahasa Melayu dalam
usaha mengembangkan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa lingua franca di Nusantara,
seiring dengan perkembangan agama Islam di Nusantara, dan cikgu kesayangannya,
Puan Zuraidah yang mengajar subjek bahasa Melayu pada waktu itu.
"Yes, you are
right. Our language borrowed many words from other languages from all
over the world to expand our language, especially Arabic because Islam and Arab
people came here and the Arab marry our people."
"You are smart." Moda memuji.
you, you too." Ahmad Irfan tertawa kecil.
Setengah jam
kemudian, mereka sampai di Muzium Negara. Setelah dua jam berada di situ,
mereka beredar. Mereka kemudiannya singgah makan tengah hari di gerai nasi ayam
terkemuka di Kampung Pandan. Ahmad Irfan sengaja membawa Moda ke situ.
Dia mahu Moda merasa nasi ayam paling sedap yang pernah dia makan.
Moda tidak membantah. Dia juga suka merasa makanan baharu.
Setelah menikmati nasi ayam tersebut, Moda memuji kesedapannya.
"Sungguh enak."
ujar Moda dalam pelat Arabnya sambil menunjukkan isyarat jarinya. Ahmad
Irfan ketawa mendengar pujian Moda.
"Can you cook, Ahmad?" tanya Moda.
"A little. If I am lazy or no time to cook, I just eat at the
"I love to cook. I help my
wife to cook almost everyday."
"Wow, so good of
you." puji Ahamd Irfan.
"Last Monday we celebrated
Shimo day or Egyptian day. Arab called it Sham elneseem."
"What is that event?"
"All Egyptian people, muslims and christians celebrate it. Families go to gardens and eat salty fish, smoked fish and coloured eggs.
It is the beginning of the spring season there."
"Wow, it sounds great."
ujar Ahmad Irfan kekaguman.
“Moda, last year I went to Mecca and Medina to perform umra.”
“Oh, really? Good for you, but why don’t you come to Egypt and visit me
there? It is not very far, actually.”
“Moda, I had told you that I
thought you were dead, remember?”
“Oh yes. I forgot,” jelas Moda sambil ketawa.
“I love Arab food. All types of rice such as kabbsa and mandy,
pastas and desserts. They are all very ‘enak’.”
“Yes they are. They are all
actually from mediteraniem countries.
Varaities in colours and taste.
Saudi food itself has nothing to be proud. No colours and no taste
because the country only full of desert .”
“Oh, I see,“ Baru hari ini Ahmad
Irfan tahu tentang perkara tersebut.
Mungkin juga betul kata-kata Moda kerana dia sendiri berbangsa Arab, dan
pastinya dia lebih maklum tentang sejarah makanan bangsanya.
Selesai makan,
Ahmad Irfan memandu ke Masjid Jamek untuk solat Jumaat. Sudah dua hari
dia menemani Moda bersiar-siar di sekitar Kuala Lumpur, namun setiap kali dia
singgah di masjid untuk solat, Moda hanya menunggu di luar masjid. Dia
mahu bertanya kepada Moda kenapa lelaki itu tidak ikut solat bersama-samanya,
tetapi dia takut Moda tersinggung dengan pertanyaannya. Oleh itu dipendamkan
sahaja soalan itu. Ahmad Irfan berkira-kira bagaimana dia harus bertanya
dengan cara yang sopan.
"Today is Friday, so will you go to Friday's
prayer?" Tiba-tiba sahaja soalan itu terhambur dari bibir Ahmad
Irfan. Moda menoleh ke arah Ahmad Irfan yang sedang memandu. Tiba-tiba juga
Ahmad Irfan berasa menyesal kerana menanyakan soalan itu.
"Why did
you ask about my prayer? Everyone needs to pray all the times."
"I'm just asking, I
don’t mean anything. I am so sorry."
"I know
Ahmad, don’t be sorry and don't be sensitive. We are best friends together.
You can ask me anything you like."
"Thank you, Moda"
"You know
Ahmad, I just fight all the terrorism ideas. Religion is between you and
your God, not between you and me. Maybe there is an over exaggerated
about my reaction about religion. I am sorry again."
"It’s ok Moda."
"To me, salah is for God, not
for people, my friend."
"If you
said salah is for God, so why don’t you perform salah?"
your questions and all your believes are the same as ISIS believes." Ahmad Irfan agak terkejut dengan kenyataan
"So do you think we are
ISIS?" Soal Ahmad Irfan pula.
"You think
that there is no salah except your salah?”
Soal Moda kembali.
“All your ideas about Islam are the same with
ISIS, also in Egypt. ISIS are terrorist. It is called "Wahabi
Islam or Saudi Islam”
"We are not. We never kill
people." Ahmad Irfan menafikan dakwaan Moda.
"Yes, you are right. Terrorist is not just to kill.
Terrorist is also your thinking.
The Sheikh who gives fatwa is more terrorist. We all have wrong
thoughts about Islam. Our Islam all over the world nowdays is Wahabi Islam.
Before that, about 50 years ago, we had another Islam, more mercy. Our Islam
was for God, not for other people, but since oil was discovered in Saudi and
they have too much dollars, they spread their Islam all over the world.
It is a politic, not religion."
"It’s just your thought, Moda." Ahmad Irfan berasa sedikit panas hati dengan
kenyataan Moda. Fahaman dan pegangan Islam Moda benar-benar bertentangan dengan
Islam ahli sunnah. Mungkin Moda berfahaman Syiah, fikir Ahmad Irfan.
"Not only mine, young man. We
have scientists of Azhar who always fight against Wahabi Islam. I think
your parents' Islam was a religion too, not the same with your Islam.
When I say 'you', I dont mean you, Ahmad. I mean generally."
"Are you Shiaah, Moda?" Ahmad Irfan semakin berani
bertanya. Dia tidak mampu lagi
berbasa-basi dengan Moda.
ketawa terbahak-bahak. "There is no Shiaah or Sunni, young man.
Only Islam. Shiaah or Sunni was created by Saudi and USA."
Ahmad Irfan sekadar membisu. Dia tidak tahu bagaimana hendak membidas
kenyataan Moda. Dia tidak faham akan
Islam yang dianuti oleh Moda, terlalu liberal dan sangat bertentangan dengan
Islam yang dianutinya. Daripada cerita
seorang rakannya yang pernah melancong ke Mesir kerana anaknya belajar di
Mesir, penduduk Mesir rata-ratanya agak warak.
Al-Quran sentiasa di tangan. Di dalam kenderaan awam mereka membaca Al-Quran dan kalau ada orang sedang
berbual-bual kosong di dalam kenderaan awam, mereka akan menegur orang tersebut
supaya membaca Al-Quran. Ahmad Irfan
agak keliru. Mungkin Moda tidak termasuk
dalam golongan tersebut, dia akhirnya membuat kesimpulan sendiri. Di Malaysia pun sama, ramai yang beragama
Islam tetapi ramai juga yang tidak solat, tidak berpuasa, tidak menutup aurat
dan sebagainya. Islam hanya pada nama
dan tercatat pada kad pengenalan sahaja.
Setelah mereka sampai di Masjid Jamek, keadaan sudah sesak dengan
orang ramai yang sedang mendengar khutbah Jumaat yang baru sahaja bermula. Setelah mendapat tempat parkir kereta tidak
jauh dari masjid, Ahmad Irfan keluar dari kereta.
“Are you coming with me?”
Irfan dan Moda berjalan beriringan ke Masjid Jamek. Semasa Ahmad Irfan mengambil wuduk, kelibat
Moda hilang dari pandangannya. Setelah selesai mengambil wuduk, dia
meninjau-ninjau di sekeliling masjid.
Kelibat Moda masih tidak kelihatan.
Biarlah, nanti mereka akan berjumpa semula di tempat parkir keretanya,
bisiknya di dalam hati. Setelah itu,
Ahmad Irfan mengambil tempat di satu sudut masjid itu lalu mendengar khutbah
Jumaat dengan khusyuk. Setelah Imam
selesai membacakan khutbah, beliau mengimamkan solat Jumaat dua rakaat.
Setelah selesai solat dan doa, semua jemaah berpusu-pusu keluar dari
masjid. Ahmad Irfan terus berjalan
menuju ke keretanya. Dari jauh kelihatan
Moda sedang menunggunya di bawah sepohon ceri rendang di hadapan
keretanya. Ahmad Irfan menarik nafas
lega apabila melihat Moda. Dia tidak
bercadang untuk bertanya ke mana Moda menghilangkan diri tadi, kerana dia tidak
berhak untuk campur tangan dalam urusan ibadah Moda. Moda juga tidak berkata apa-apa.
itu, Ahmad Irfan membawa Moda ke Dataran Tugu Negara, Parlimen dan Dataran
Merdeka. Dataran Merdeka merupakan
destinasi terakhir mereka. Kebetulan
pada waktu itu, berlangsungnya jualan mega durian di Dataran Merdeka. Ahmad Irfan
membeli dua biji durian Musang King yang berharga RM35 sekilo untuk mereka
berdua. Setelah membayar harga durian
tersebut, mereka duduk di meja yang
disediakan untuk para pengunjung yang mahu makan durian di situ. Pada awalnya Moda kelihatan ragu-ragu untuk
makan durian tersebut, tetapi setelah digesa oleh Ahmad Irfan, dia mencuba juga
seulas buah durian itu. Setelah
menghayati keenakan rasanya, Moda makan lagi
tiga ulas buah durian itu.
“Sungguh enak”, ujar Moda sambil tersenyum.
“There, now you know how delicious the durian
is, right?”
“Yes, thank you Ahmad. I will
miss it, really.”
selesai makan dan bersiar-siar sekejap di Dataran Merdeka dan mengambil gambar
seadanya, Ahmad Irfan menghantar Moda pulang ke hotelnya. Esoknya, Moda hanya mahu berehat di hotel
sahaja, kerana pada waktu petangnya, dia akan berlepas pulang ke Egypt. Ahmad Irfan akan datang menjemput Moda di
hotel pada jam 3.00 petang kerana penerbangannya pada jam 7.00 malam.
Keesokan harinya, seperti yang telah
dijanjikan, Ahmad Irfan menghantar Moda ke KLIA 2. Setelah Moda selesai ‘check-in’, dia dan
Ahmad Irfan duduk berbual-bual di sebuah
‘coffe house’ di situ sementara menunggu
masa untuk masuk ke balai berlepas.
“Ahmad, I want to thank you so much for
spending some time with me during these five awesome days, took me to those
wonderful places here, entertained me with great and warm friendship and treated me with awesome food here. You
are so nice to me. I will remember all the sweet moment I spent here all my life. Please be free to visit me in Egypt. Be my
guest. It will be a great honour to me and my family too.” Ujar Moda bersungguh-sungguh. Sejurus itu, dia memeluk Ahmad Irfan dengan
erat. Ahmad Irfan membalas pelukan Moda
dengan erat juga.
“You are welcome, Moda.
Insya-Allah, I will visit you there some day. You are my guest here, and
it is an honour to me too to entertain you nicely. See you then, Moda. Don’t forget to write to me as usual via
“Sure, Ahmad. Don’t forget
to upload all the photos, ok.”
“Sure, Moda.”
“Good bye Ahmad, see you again. Assalamualaikum.”
Setelah itu, Moda terus beredar ke balai berlepas sambil
melambai-lambaikan tangannya kepada Ahmad Irfan. Ahmad Irfan membalas lambaian Moda. Setelah Moda hilang dari pandangannya, Ahmad
Irfan terus berjalan ke tempat parkir keretanya. Semasa dia sedang berjalan, dia bermonolog
sendiri. Biarlah Moda tidak menunaikan
rukun Islam sebagaimana sepatutnya seorang muslim, itu urusannya dengan Allah.
Biar juga mereka sering bercanggah pendapat dalam banyak isu, namun dia akan
terus bersahabat dengan Moda selagi Moda
tidak memberi pengaruh yang buruk kepada dirinya. Dia juga bercita-cita untuk melawat Moda di
Mesir pada suatu hari nanti jika ada rezekinya dan mungkin dia akan ‘berhoneymoon’
di Mesir setelah dia berkahwin dengan
Farhana nanti, Insya-Allah.